I overdid it on the sweets and junk last week. The combination of my birthday, Christmas, and cold encouraged me to eat too much, drink too much, exercise too little, and stay up too late. I didn't feel terrible, but I was very tired. I knew I needed to make some changes to feel better and I didn't want to wait until New Year's Day to start. So I decided to have a "recovery" before the New Year's Partying began. Starting Sunday night I followed these rules:
In bed by 9:30, lights out before 10.
Exercise for 60 minutes each day.
Drink water.
No sweets or alcohol.
These 4 goals aren't anything new or exciting, but I knew achieving them would improve my energy. I like these goals because they aren't about giving up a bunch of stuff. The only things I'm giving up are sweets (real ones) and alcohol. I didn't give up caffeine because I usually only have 1-2 cups of coffee a day and other than that I've been drinking water.
For exercise, I've been to the gym everyday so far. I took spinning Monday and today. Tuesday I went to Zumba. My muscles have that happy sore feeling. I'm thinking I'll take tomorrow off and Friday it looks like it will be nice enough to run outside. Yay! I haven't done that since the day after Thanksgiving.
And the best part is, it's working. I've been up since 4:40am and worked a 9 hour day, but I'm feeling great tonight. With some modifications, these goals will be a part of my New Year's Resolutions.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year. And remember, while it's never too late to start, it's also never too early. Take care of yourself.
I'm a big believer in not waiting until January 1st! So good for you :)
Good Stuff!!! I agree it is always a good time to start no matter the 1st or the 31st!
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